• Fiona Luth founded Fiji Book Drive in 2012, after the death of her second parent. She had a flash of inspiration when she was in Kadavu, Fiji: she wanted to create as much positivity in the world as possible. Fiona spoke to her Fijian friend, Lavenia Tamani, who is now our Operations Manager, and learned about the lack of books in local schools as well as discovering that all schooling in Fiji was compulsorily taught in English. Fiona thought she could help by sending books from Australia and Fiji Book Drive was born.

  • We choose where the books go in consultation with the director of Fiji Library Services and our Operations Manager on the ground, Lavenia. We also speak to the relevant education officers. We then sort, pack and ship library collections accordingly.

  • We cannot accept requests for donations to specific schools. We aim to operate in the fairest and most ethical way possible. This means surveying schools and assessing needs. While we too have personal connections to various people and schools, this is the only way to make our process fair!

  • The shipments arrive in Suva to Lavenia, our Operations Manager, where they are stored in warehouse space for two weeks. Over this time representatives from each school come to collect their library collection and take it back to their designated location. A few months later the Fiji Book Drive team visits Fiji and many of the schools that received donations. During this visit, Fiona, our Founder, and CEO, has a chance to talk to the Principals and teachers of each school. They discuss how the donation has benefited their community and how we can meet their needs in future shipments. For example, when Fiona visited Levuka Primary School (Kadavu) in 2019, the Principal requested reference books to assist their upper primary students. In our 2020/21 shipment, we have been able to cater to this need.

  •  Yes! Alongside assisting new schools with each shipment, we provide multiple top-up donations based on need.

  • We are always on the lookout for motivated individuals who are passionate about the work we do. Fiona is interested in talking to volunteers with specific expertise that could benefit the charity.

    Also, we sort and pack library collections once a year. Often, we have a mix of corporate groups, schools, and individuals who make up our packing teams.

    Please reach out to Fiona via email if you would like to know more about either of these opportunities fionaluth@fijibookdrive.org

  • Your donation will go towards the operational costs of Fiji Book Drive. For example, the shipping of library collections and educational resources. It costs approximately 30c to ship each book to a Fijian school or around $300 to send an entire library collection. A complete collection has a direct effect on the educational outcomes of approximately 100 students. 

    Additionally, in partnership with Twinnies, we are proud to have published a short story in the Buan dialect. This has been a major goal of Fiji Book Drive for many years. The aim of this project is to allow Fijian children to see their everyday lives reflected in a picture book. Your ongoing support is hugely appreciated and enables us to continue working on projects like this. Visit: https://www.twinniesbooksandgoods.com/or Twinnies Brand on Facebook.

  • No, we do not accept donations of textbooks. They are designed for the Australian curriculum and thus are not relevant in Fijian schools.

Where can I find out more about Fiji Book Drive?